Queerage? Huh?

Queerage is a shop focused on art and merch that amplifies queer rage, in all its beauty.

The word Queerage itself has three meanings here:

Queerage: a measurement of Queerness, as in,“This store’s queerage is at a 100%.”

Queer Age: an era of Queer, like “Stone Age”. In this case, we’re referring to the past, present, and future. This world is always in a Queer Age.

Queer Rage: essentially, rage felt by queer folks. This is probably the main meaning.

This is the Queer Age of Queer Rage.

The word “rage” can have a negative connotation, often we think of it as being mindless anger, or even violence.

So at Queerage, we want to be clear: when we say “Queer Rage” we mean that gorgeous rage that keeps us alive.

It’s the same way that we say “The battle rages on”.

It keeps us passionate, and it keeps us fighting.

It’s the rage that says “Fuck you!”, to those who want us to stop existing, and it’s the rage that fuels our bravery to be who we are.

This world is not always kind, but through this beautiful rage, this endless energy, we will make it kinder.

Every single queer person deserves to exist in this world.

This planet has always been queer, and it will never stop being queer.

Queerness is such a fantastic part of humanity, and Queer Rage is the unwillingness to be told that we shouldn’t be here.

Its our future, our past, and our power. Its wonderful.